How Jasper works to compliment your clinical team

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How Jasper works with your clinical team

Cancer is an overwhelming diagnosis and often demands that immediate action is taken. Many patients do just that—they line up their clinical team, outline a treatment plan, and ask for help from loved ones for logistics and everything in between. In those initial weeks and months, there’s no time to process how your life is changing or learn the intricacies of how all of the pieces of your medical puzzle will work together. This unexpected life event can leave many feeling unprepared, vulnerable, and uncertain about the future.

To add to the stress of this time, you’ll notice early on that treating cancer often involves multiple clinicians, facilities, and treatment modalities, as well as living with the constant anticipation of “what’s next?”. For most people, there is not a continuous thread of support to stitch everything together and ensure that things run smoothly.

Where Jasper fits in

When thinking about how Jasper can help you, consider that your clinical team is trained to diagnose and treat cancer. Even under excellent medical care, many people affected by cancer report feeling like their clinical team focuses solely on the disease and not on them as a person. Jasper is the opposite—our focus is on making sure that you, as a person, have everything you need to succeed. 

Even the best medical team isn’t equipped to help you with pressing concerns like needing financial support to pay for treatment or organizing reliable transportation to and from medical appointments. They typically do not have the time to discuss your fears and frustrations at length, nor are they resourced to help you become an expert on your diagnosis and treatment. That’s where Jasper comes in. We help you navigate every stage of your cancer experience by providing you with the support and resources that you need to feel confident—so you can take action and be an active participant in your health.

How Jasper is different from your clinical team

Your dedicated Jasper counselor is trained and certified by the American Cancer Society to provide you with support across several areas. They’ve worked with hundreds of people impacted by cancer in areas such as:

  • Helping you coordinate care logistics like transportation, lodging or childcare during your treatment
  • Sourcing options for financial support in the form of grants and non-profits 
  • Coming up with a plan to manage your responsibilities at home or work while you’re in treatment or feeling unwell
  • Providing emotional support and counseling for managing feelings of overwhelm, anxiety or stress during and after your diagnosis
  • Customizing nutrition and exercise routines to complement your treatment plan
  • Finding and coordinating other relevant resources to help with your particular needs

Finally, your time with your clinical team is often limited to in-person visits scheduled weeks or months apart, or communication via an online messaging portal. But with such a significant and often complex life event, most people have additional questions or concerns that pop up outside of those windows—or they may simply need more time to go over the details. Jasper counselors are always in your corner, ready to break down complicated medical topics, help you prepare questions for your clinical team, and point you to the exact resource you’re struggling without. Your counselor won’t typically contact your care team directly, but they’ll serve as a valuable resource for you as you navigate the complexities of the healthcare system and the overwhelming nature of cancer.

High-quality cancer support and care

Any big and unexpected life change can be stressful—particularly if it’s health-related. Having a trusted guide to help you navigate your diagnosis, treatment, and beyond and work alongside your clinical team will alleviate points of friction, give you confidence, and ensure that you’re getting the best possible care.

The content on this website is intended to provide the best possible information for you, but should not be considered—or used as a substitute for—medical advice. If you have questions about your diagnosis or treatment, please contact your health care provider(s). For questions or comments about this content, please email us at [email protected]