Lindsey Nyenbrink headshot.

Lindsey Zink

Supportive Care Counselor



  • Newly Diagnosed, In Treatment, Survivorship
  • Nutrition and Physical Activity Coaching
  • Stress Management and Coping Skill Development
  • Side Effect Management


  • Bachelor of Arts, Psychology & Exercise and Sport Science
  • Master of Public Health, Nutrition
  • American Cancer Society Leadership in Oncology Navigation Certified

About Me

Lindsey Zink serves as one of the Care Navigators on the Jasper Clinical Team. She has her bachelor’s degree in psychology and exercise and sport science and her Master of Public Health degree with a focus on nutrition from UNC Chapel Hill. She brings a deep understanding of the intricacies of emotional and physical health and wellness to her role.

Beyond her educational background, Lindsey has had a variety of jobs spanning the health promotion space. From educating future first-generation college students on the importance of healthy eating to connecting families with children on Medicaid to much-needed resources, Lindsey has played a role in positively impacting many people’s health journeys.

In her role as a Care Navigator, Lindsey empowers members to embark on their journeys toward holistic well-being by meeting each member exactly where they are in their journey and tailoring her guidance accordingly. She brings a deep sense of empathy to each member meeting, thereby creating an open and safe space.

Lindsey resides in Bentonville, Arkansas where you are most likely to find her hiking nearby trails with whatever dog she is currently fostering. She is passionate about traveling and learning about new cultures and has spent time living abroad in both Spain and Switzerland.

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